Tuesday 31 July 2012

Oh, Danny Boyle

27July 2012 was an historic day, and no self-respecting contemporaneous blog should allow it to pass unmentioned.

I'd like to think that I will always remember where I was when the London Olympics were declared open, but in case memory evaporates in old age, I will record it here now: Kathryn and I were in our house in Ripon, and were joined part way through the Opening Ceremony by Andrew and Jenny, who had come to North Yorkshire for a wedding the next day.

I was thrilled and delighted by the Opening Ceremony. It takes a lot to stir national pride in my soul, but Danny Boyle's masterpiece did so. Each new element produced surprise and wonder as we watched in amazement. I couldn't even look away when the athletes from all the different countries were parading in. It was brilliant, and I am chuffed to bits that we took the plunge and applied for tickets to some of the Olympic events all those months ago. I'm as excited as any sport-mad teenager about the Games, and will be heading to Old Trafford for a couple of football matches and to London with Jessica on the weekend of 4/5 August for sessions of hockey and volleyball.

It was a very good idea to plan a sabbatical during the Olympics. The ideal way to recharge and re-energise!

Someone suggested to me later that Britain's heritage of faith was missing from the occasion - there was no church on the village green, for example. But 'Abide with Me' was sung, after all. And Rowan Williams got a good seat in view of the TV cameras, even if he didn't have quite the same impact as the other Rowan.....

And in the case of an athlete, no one is crowned without competing according to the rules.
2 Timothy 2:5

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